Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time Change Slump

Is anybody else exhausted? I just can't seem to shake the "time change slump." I am about to crawl into my cozy bed and sleep for many hours. Thankfully I don't have to work tomorrow, D has the day off and we don't homeschool on Monday's. That means I get to sleep in! Yay!

Today was great! We had church this morning. D and J-man lead Worship for the kids Sunday School and then we went to the church service. After that we headed south and met my mom and dad, brother and future sis-in-love, and of course baby Noah- whom I love and adore. He is such a sweetie. I held him for a long time and he fell asleep in my arms. It was precious. It has been a long time since I have had a baby fall asleep in my arms. He love his auntie! Noah is getting so big, he is 3 months old now. After holding him for a while I remembered how hard it is to hold a baby. Arms get achy, back starts to hurt, etc.. It is crazy!

We talked about Thanksgiving and Christmas. It should be a wonderful holiday season. We are not exchanging gifts with adults on either sides of the family this year. Financially it is just too tough right now. I do have a couple crafty ideas to do with the kids though as small gifts. I think they will have a great time doing it and it will be a good lesson to them that it is the thought and time that counts more than the money spent. Plus, the ideas I saw look fun and I want to do it too!

Well, I am off to sleep. My bed is calling my name and it is getting louder by the minute!

"I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations." Psalm 89:1-3

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